然而,媒體將這段話認定成 Mark Karpeles 公開了一個未被披露的 Mt.Gox 資產地址,並且聲稱可供 Mt.Gox 債權人索賠的資產有望增加。但事實真的是如此嗎?
當我們找到 Mark Karpeles 的推文後可以看到,Mark Karpeles 實際上是在回應一個與澳本聰(Craig Wright)有關的討論。
I hereby certify that the 79956.55 Bitcoins sent to the 1Feex address on March 1st 2011 were transferred without proper authorization from MtGox's original bitcoind wallet, and are considered stolen property belonging to the MtGox estate for the profit of the MtGox creditors.