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關於迷戀貓的歌 – 擁有主題配樂的Crypto Kitties #19143

2019/05/06 17:55
關於迷戀貓的歌 – 擁有主題配樂的Crypto Kitties #19143

上一次介紹了謎戀貓現狀,並帶大家了解如何擁有自己的謎戀貓,以及簡單的分類(低價、最新屬性、奇異貓咪),最後提到 Ctypto kitties 官方更新 Roadmap,預計於 Q4 推出更具娛樂性的遊戲體驗,是否會再次引爆 Dapp 熱潮? 只有到時候才知道了。
這次介紹無意間知道這首「有關謎戀貓的一首歌」,是從 VOX 頻道上有部關於介紹區塊鏈的影片 「Why people are buying cartoon cats on the blockchain? 」,主要在討論Cryptocollectibles,而非多數人所關注的 Cryptocurrencies ,並以謎戀貓為例說明人們是如何為之瘋狂。
CryptoKitties #19143 - 1
順帶一提,現在 Voicetube 上有中文翻譯版本 (為什麼人們會在區塊鏈上買謎戀貓) 大概講述謎戀貓為什麼會受到歡迎,背後原理,並訪問創始人及團隊成員。
而中間聽到這首歌,馬上引起我注意,打開 Shazam (音樂識別App) 搜尋到這首歌,到底是誰這麼浪費才能有才,進到頻道後,才發現這支瀏覽數竟然才2,000多,沒人知道真的太可惜XD
這裡我把這首歌的歌詞打出來,為了讓各位中文讀者更好理解,後面有用中文大致把這首歌所表達的 Ctypto kitty #19143 故事進行概述

Call Me Kitty #19143

I still got the whole world laid out before me.

They keep trying to knock me off my track.

Mother Nature hit me, and I hit right back.

My mama’s name is Crazy cuddle

My dad is known as Gen 9

They met while she was waitressing.

he was day trader at the time

they fell in love too quick

And I was a consequence ( was consequence )

they split even before I was born, I’m told things got too intense

Crazy cuddle she blamed me

So I set off alone

Living off scraps on the street

No family or home ~


So Call Me Kitty #19143

I still got the whole world laid out before me.

They keep trying to knock me off my track.

Mother Nature hit me, and I hit right back.

I stowed away on a cruise ship ( far away )

Got caught in stormy seas.

I ended up in Tokyo

With a real bad case of fleas.


I made my way to India

Was looking for the truth (where is the truth)

I made friends with some monkeys

All they had to say “uh hohohoho”

With everywhere I have been in this world

Everybody I’ve met and everything I’ve seen.   

I realize that there’s tons kittys out there

But there only one me ~ ~


So Call Me Kitty #19143

I still got the whole world laid out before me.

They keep trying to knock me off my track.

Mother Nature hit me, and I hit right back.

Call me kitty #19143 (Just Call me kitty)

Call me kitty #19143 (Call me kitty)

#19143 (Call me kitty)


This kitty is for sale

The only one kitty with a song and backstory..

Get this kitty before it’s gone

CryptoKitties #19143 - 2
Kitty #19143 的是由母親 Crazy cuddle 和父親 Gen 9 繁殖出來(根據 Crypto kitties 官網簡介中 Crazy cuddle 應為父親,Gen9 是母親,見下圖,雖然我也覺得怪怪的), Crazy cuddle 在當服務生的時候認識了交易員 Gen 9 ,馬上陷入情網,Kitty #19143 就是牠們愛的結晶,不幸的是,在出生前便分開,Crazy cuddle(母)責備 Kitty #19143 認為是牠的錯,所以牠獨自流浪於街頭,一方面也展開探索世界的旅程。 幾經波折到達東京,又前往印度尋找真理,和一些猴子交了朋友;隨著見識增長,牠瞭解到儘管世界上有許多可愛的貓,但自己仍是獨一無二的。
CryptoKitties #19143 - 喵父母


有趣的是,在影片中擁有者名稱為 Jonathan Mann ,就是這首歌的創作者,影片簡介還提到
I’m not going to explain too much about this just yet, but I will soon.
而謎戀貓為什麼會沉寂的這麼快,究竟哪裡出了問題? 這邊引用在華爾街見聞上我很喜歡的一段分析
ps : 這首歌旋律真的很洗腦,每次想到謎戀貓都會自帶背景音樂
題外話,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lmNpMSPu0k 這首也很洗腦
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